
Manage Your GitHub starred repositories with groups and tags


View Starred Repositories

You can view all your starred repositories on GitHub very easy with GHstars. The app fetch and update your starred automatically.

GHstars has a readme viewer for selected repository. With the navigation in the viewer, you can easily to jump any position of the readme page.

Organize with Group/Tag

Oranizing the starred repositories with groups and tags, your mind will be resolved to guess what the repository is about. With a good organization, you can find a specific repository more quickly.

GHstars has a very simple and convenient way to edit the groups and tags.

Fuzzy Search

GHstars has succinct searchbar witch will flowed on the window just after your slight click on a specific key.

As a clever app, GHstars do not need you to type a full-matched name of a repository, it do fuzzy search by name or by name and description.

Synchronize multiple devices

You may expect to use GHstars on multiple devices to manage your starred. GHstars provide a way to synchronize the groiups and tags between multiple devices.

To use this feature, you just need to setup a webdav service.

Vim-Style Shortcuts

Inspired by Vim and Spacemacs, GHstars provide a keyboard shortcut system to drive it's functions.

So now you can orgnize your starred repositories without move your fingers out of your favorite keyboard.

Color Themes

A light theme for day, a dark theme for night.

Maybe you want use the dark theme all the time.

But, I always use the light theme.

Do not ask me why make two themes, I will say my brother request me do.
