GHstars is an app to manage repositories you starred on github. With GHstars you can group the starred, add tags to them, making it clear what a repository is about. The app also provide a fuzzy searcher to quickly find repositories.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The keyboard shortcuts focused pannel(KSFP) is the highlighted pannel witch will receive some special keyboard shortcuts. If the KSFP (possible value are Sidebar, Repolist, Readme Previewer) dose not match the value in the follow in table, the shortcuts will be ignored.
Key | Function | KSFP |
a |
Select All starred | All |
o |
Select Un* repos | All |
G |
Swith to Groups list | All |
T |
Swith to Tags list | All |
L |
Swith to Languages list | All |
l |
Move KSFP to right | All |
h |
Move KSFP to left | All |
s |
Toggle the Sidebar | All |
r |
Toggle the Repolist | All |
z |
Toggle the Readme Previewer Header | All |
j , k |
Scroll the repositories list | Repolist |
g |
Edit the group selected repository | Repolist |
t |
Edit the tags selected repository | Repolist |
j , k |
Scroll Group/Tag/Lang list | Sidebar |
n |
Add a new Group/Tag | Sidebar |
e |
Edit the selected Group/Tag | Sidebar |
x |
Delete the selected Group/Tag | Sidebar |
C-n , C-p |
Switch the Tabs | Sidebar |
g |
Edit the group of the repository | Readme Previwer |
t |
Edit the tags of the repository | Readme Previewer |
u |
Unstar the repository | Readme Previewer |
C-n , C-p |
Scroll the suggestions | When suggestions displayed |
Main Page
The main page of the app consists of three pannels, sidebar, repo list, and readme previewer. The keyboard shortcuts focused pannel(KSFP, see Keyboard Shortcuts) is highted (in the follow screenshot, repo list was the KSFP).
Edit in sidebar
Sidebar consists of three part, the top avatar, the three lists, and the bottom tool buttons. The middle lists are groups list, tags list, and languages lsit, each dividies the all starred repositories with different strategies.
- Use the bottom tool buttons to add groups/tags in the sidebar.
- Double click the group or tag name also make the group/tag editable.
- If the pannel is KSFP, and a proper group/tag is selected, keyboard shortcut
to rename the group/tag;x
to delete the group/tag. - If the pannel is KSFP, keybaord shortcut
to add a new group/tag.
Repo list
If the pannel is KSFP, keyboard shortcut ‘g’ to edit the repository’s group; ‘t’ to edit the tags.
View the reamde with a TOC. The header show basic infomations of the repository. Click the title will open the repository github page in browser.
GHstars has floated search bar (such as the sublime text command bar). Hit /
or ?
on your keybaord to activate it.
In Preferences pannel you can configure the webdav witch will be used to synchronize you data.